JD's SIMulated was started about 2 years ago. The site started out as half joke, half curiosity. We wanted to see how people would react to shocking adult sim content. The result was incredible, with almost no negativity. With thousands of fans visiting on a regular basis, we realized that there really was no place for the "adult simmer" to go, without bumping into the younger crowds. We then created an adult simmer community, where we can be as adult as we want to be.

Besides...The Sims is a people simulator...isn't it?

We have a very talented staff offering adult skins and objects. We have an art designer who makes miscellaneous fun Sim stuff for your enjoyment. Along with forums, chat, walls, floors and downloadable "naughty" Poses, we are truly a different kind of Sim site.

The only banner ads you will find are on the linx page