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Topic Review

posted on 10-2-2002 at 01:49

Didn't leave a space after that url for Openlea's... Click on the url or cut and paste it into your address box:

ftp://[email protected]/Openlea2.html


posted on 10-2-2002 at 01:45

Some people with WinXP are having problems with lovebeds.

LordBane at Openlea's has created a patch for those with HouseParty and no HD or Vacation

Go Here for HP Patch:
ftp://[email protected]/Openlea2.html
Patches are under Guest Artist/LordBane

Her site is down if her computer isn't on, so keep trying if at first you don't succeed.

The "read-me's" are great telling where which file goes into what folder. After I got that straight, all problems were resolved.


posted on 10-1-2002 at 23:32

Please read the read-me that came along with your downloads. I have many different kinds of Love Beds installed and they all work just fine. Just follow the directions carefully (and this goes for all downloaded lovebeds from any site) and they will work properly.


posted on 10-1-2002 at 22:27

I have that problem, too. It is not just with Simulated's, but most of my hacked beds. I think we have them installed improperly, but I don't know what's wrong. I have all mine in skins. Do you?


posted on 10-1-2002 at 19:32

that same thing happen to me and i have all the expansion packs if you find out what to do can you please let me know


posted on 10-1-2002 at 14:55

You need living large for the love bed to work :(


posted on 9-28-2002 at 23:01

i downloaded the sex love bed and they were just standing through the bed making the usual noises, but it said "missing animation" what can i do to fix this? right now i only have the sims deluxe -which is the sims and LL. im going to get all the expacks, but im waiting for a sale. do i need HP for the bed to work? i read the "read me" and i put everything in the right place- i put the cmx and cfp files to skins-should they go into animation or somewhere else??? also i downloaded the silver dildo--thats greaT!!! this is the kind of stuff that should be in the game. im so glad i found this site--i need to go and check out if the mermaid works. could you make a mermaid with an aqua/teal colored tail? i could use my redhaired heads, but a redhead (with straight hair) would be cool with the teal tail.

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