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Topic Review

posted on 11-5-2002 at 00:37

wish I knew too, I tried the self extracting version from pandoras but it crashes too :(
very sad indeed.


posted on 11-4-2002 at 23:16

Yes, my game says "missing animation". The sim just stands at the bottom and bounces around and looks stupid. Kinda funny really...but I want to see them spanked....sob, sob


posted on 11-4-2002 at 08:35

The spanker should only require sims original so I have no idea why it keeps crashing.


posted on 11-3-2002 at 16:58

I tried removing all my user made objecs to see if I had a conflicting object. but the spanker still locked up my game :(
Does the spanker require Unleashed?
as Ive temporarly uninstalled it till the patch comes out.


posted on 11-3-2002 at 05:38

no not .mac
its an iff I meant it has mac at the end of its name. spankinkmac.iff is the name of the iff. so I was just curious.
Ive tried putting the cmx and cpf files in the downloads directory, skins directory and even expansion pack assets directory and all result in my game locking up when the animation tried to play.


posted on 11-3-2002 at 03:32

THE OBJECT HAS .MAC AT THE END? it should be .iff? :o


posted on 11-2-2002 at 21:47

still not working :(
is there perhaps another file that is needed from another object? not just the 3 files in the download? I also noticed that the object has mac at the end. is this object mac only?
I really wanted to add this object to me girls school and Im getting a bit resless


posted on 11-2-2002 at 21:31

try creating a new folder in downloads directory. put spanker iff PLUS the rest of the files in there not in skins folder.


Icon depicting mood of postposted on 11-2-2002 at 20:34

Ive tried both the spaking machine and the spanking machine 2.0 and both crash my game when the sims try and use them. they sim gets naked and gets on the machine and lays down under the hand. the bar appears above their head and the game locks up. I have the .iff in my downloads directory and the .cmx and.cfp in my skins directory. am I doing something wrong? anyone else having problems? any help would be appreciated:(

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