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Topic Review

posted on 2-1-2003 at 23:18

Could be that I have windows xp , but I am tryin to just put the meshes outside the folder Sometimes that works for me :)
WOuld be cool if We had more BDSM objects - your site is better than 8th deadly sims, {though they do have cool stuff too} least your stuff works lol .
Thanks for makin the effort in the paddle display - can't wait to ad it to my farm :)


posted on 2-1-2003 at 22:27

I am sending the paddle shelf to JD for the site. Of course it is just a bookshelf butI am trying to figure out how to change that, if possible.
I have her in my skinz folder. Since I have been doing meshes I took out my old skins folder and uninstalled the sims. Then I reinstalled so I would just have the Maxis and my meshes. That way I don't spend an Hr, LOL looking for them. Is anyone else having any problems???
Glad you liked the shelf and hope you can get her to work for you.:D


posted on 2-1-2003 at 21:53

Wow , Great job sweets! Are you gonna put it on the site? or if u want to send me it through mail my e-mail is

[email protected]

Maybe its cuz I have windows xp or I am suppose to put it seperate in skins folder.
I will check it out again cuz she's cool,
To bad someone couldn't make a chair
{like the masterbater | and put sims paddling each other lol... But u did great ,
Wish I could send ya somthin for your efforts :)


posted on 2-1-2003 at 07:36

Hello Kat, I really don't know why she don't. I of course tried her in my game and she worked fine. I have made a shelf (bookcase) with hanging paddles. I only hope you like it. Here is a pic. Let me know what you think. :D Be gentle please, LOL I'll send you an email if I can't get this pic attached


Icon depicting mood of postposted on 1-31-2003 at 00:33

Hey, I know I have been Nagging a lot,
but I tried to make objects myself and I don't have the right paint program.
I really would like to have a bunch of different size paddles hanging on a rack
or even just seperate, for to put near the spankin machine ;) I would be most grateful !! It seems like a simple request
COmpared to the sims spankin each other which I'd personally love to see happen someday lol...
Paddle girl is cool sweets, but why won't the girl appear in my game??

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