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Topic Review

posted on 2-13-2003 at 17:42

Hey Sweets, Don't think that way .. Your very creative ! .. I would love to beable to make skins like you :) and objects..
YOu are talanted enough to even have your own web site.. :)
I am anxious to see the new bull Blade..
Everyone here is Talented too :) Just think we should have a BDSM THeme too.
Bet ya's would be great at that..
Keep the rug idea open !!!


posted on 2-13-2003 at 09:09

the next object from the A.S.A will be a new machanical bull


posted on 2-13-2003 at 00:11

Thank you so very much Kat! I am sure there are peeps who won't agree but that meant the world to me:D


posted on 2-12-2003 at 20:08

Thats even better display than the one at 8th deadly sims, Kewl ideas.:)


posted on 2-12-2003 at 04:05

Here r a few things I sent in today;)


Icon depicting mood of postposted on 2-12-2003 at 00:41

Hey , the skins are Kewl, but what is the next object for this site?? seems there hasn't been much activity in that area..
I say my spankin idea would be so Kewl a theme... ON rug,or chair, bed....WIsh I knew how to make those objects !

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