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Topic Review

posted on 2-14-2003 at 00:08


The game probably won't show as much skin as the magazine does, Case said, but plenty of topless Playmates will appear. "Think sexy, not sex," said Case

Hmmmmmmm.... sounds like a real yawn of a game compared to what we have already available here and at the other adult Sim sites. -- Monise


posted on 2-14-2003 at 00:05


Wired News: Who Wants to Be Hugh Hefner? -- Playboy and some gaming companies are going to come out with a simulation game where you can be Hugh Hefner.

In addition to facing Hef’s most challenging day-to-day decisions -- blonde, brunette or both? -- the game will require players to stay abreast of a simulated publishing world and make top-level management decisions.

Case said the game’s simulation strategies might include incidents taken from Playboy magazine’s history, such as Hef self-publishing the first issue in 1953, opening Playboy nightclubs, and launching video and television ventures.


posted on 2-14-2003 at 00:03

Hmmm... Sex Playboy style? I had to check this out and this is what I found:

First, found a site that has playboy model's skins... naked of course check here:


Then came a news site for Playboy Sims...not made by Maxis but a SIMulated game for XBox & PlayStation2:




Icon depicting mood of postposted on 2-13-2003 at 17:48

I read that they plan {In 2004} to have a adult playboy sims where the sims can live in the playboy mansion lol
I wish that were out now.. be so cool.. imagine what you sim hackers could do to the animations on that game!??

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