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Topic Review

posted on 2-20-2003 at 02:16

Its the Lord Bane's site who recalled this site's NatureGirl pic. (I mentioned this in an earlier post here) Openlea posted one (or more) of his objects then "poof" she took them off. She would know where he can be found, unless he changed his email address.

((Yes, Blade, I am sorry for thinking you were "he"))


posted on 2-19-2003 at 23:29

Teeheehee ~ i wish i kept up with that stuff.. im too oldschool ;_; this really makes me mad!


posted on 2-19-2003 at 21:06

in that case he better get our stuff off his site quick smart otherwise i'm letting hacker out of his cage :o


posted on 2-19-2003 at 19:09

blades porn tv is on that site they have 2 object files and its all stolen from diffrent artists


posted on 2-19-2003 at 18:35

haha!!! :mad:

*gets bat* I'm comming with you with you.


posted on 2-19-2003 at 16:07

any of my stuff there? :mad:

- gets gun -


posted on 2-19-2003 at 03:03

its not just that its stolen, its someone who likely subscribed.. we all worked very hard to get all this stuff up and.. ya' know.. its just really dissrespectful.


posted on 2-19-2003 at 02:52

lol Morbidia:cool:

Yahoo TOS will take care of them. Its not just from our site, I noticed a bunch of sites that were pirated. Where are the losers from that thief site when you need them?:P


posted on 2-19-2003 at 02:36

BAH yahoo groups.. not much you can do about them except get yahoo on their cases. Yahoo groups are notorious for ripping sites off and hosting them for free elsewhere. My friend who is a hentai artist had his entire collection posted on a yahoo club/group before yahoo clubs removed all hentai/adult things from them.


posted on 2-19-2003 at 01:06


but this site has the most: groups.yahoo.com/group/SIMSLoveBedCorrections/files/


posted on 2-19-2003 at 00:59

actuayly it where several sites. Check yahoo groups and put in sims adult there are two or three sites that have objects from this site


Icon depicting mood of postposted on 2-19-2003 at 00:57

wh..whaaaaattttttt!?!?!?!?!? Not again!! JDS gunna be piii--iiiissed!!!

Could I get the name and address of the site, if you don't mind?


posted on 2-19-2003 at 00:21

I found a lot off the objects(with animations) from this site for free an a site on yahoo. Is this normal? They didn't even change the object name

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