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Topic Review

posted on 2-22-2003 at 08:49

I use Simpose to check them out. The good thing about Simpose is you don't have to have the cmx in there.:D Simshow also crashed on me all the time and is no longer on my system.:D


posted on 2-21-2003 at 22:34

I tried to edit my message.. guess it didnt work. what i use is simpose, jd has kindly put it up for download. Behold:

<------------- seee? just download it from there ^_^


posted on 2-21-2003 at 18:41

I don't know about simshow, the instant I chose a skin besides the default it crashes. Could be a skin or CMX file I have.


posted on 2-21-2003 at 15:01

I use paintshop pro, any version works. I had psp6 on my old computer now I have psp7 on this one. To take pix, I use simshow ((sorrryyyyy))


posted on 2-21-2003 at 07:56

For the skinners out there, a question.

What program do you guys use for making skins? I've been using Photoshop 6.0, but since its using pixels (either vector or raster, forget whats which) some things become pixelated. Also for viewing your created skins, what do you use? Simshow crashes on me all the time so I end up using Hot Date creator to load up my skins.

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