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Topic Review

posted on 3-3-2003 at 07:34

Things are starting to show up in my game. I already reloaded my game due to it crashing a few days ago.

I really appreciate all the helpful suggestions.

The pleasure chair is a hoot!



posted on 3-3-2003 at 03:21

tv's should work all they are is just cloned tv's with their pictures changed ?


posted on 3-2-2003 at 19:17

Are you on a mac? mac computers need to rename files with long names to get them to work. Also...

I'd suggest reloading your game, since your following the instructions and its not working your game is probably corrupted.


Icon depicting mood of postposted on 3-2-2003 at 06:30

Ok, I got the ride-em bed and fun chair to work, however, I still cannot get the fuzzy chair, shower, or spanker to work.

I don't understand. I am downloading, etc. as described in the read me's.

Any secret to this stuff? Oh, also, cannot get porn TV to work to save my life.

Please help.


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