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Topic Review

posted on 3-22-2003 at 21:57

Cool thanks :) I'll check the site out


posted on 3-22-2003 at 07:55

Several fireplaces here that you can turn on and off:



posted on 3-17-2003 at 23:51

I didn't find the victorian one {still lookin}
But I sent u the Corner one-
that does the samething- its kewl.
I think I found it at scooby sims.
Very well done objects there too - worth paying :) enjoy Kat


posted on 3-17-2003 at 20:09

I suppose an e-mail address would help now wouldn't it.

[email protected]

Thanks katsimz


posted on 3-12-2003 at 16:46

Oooh that sounds perfect :) care to send that my way?


Icon depicting mood of postposted on 3-11-2003 at 21:45

I have a Victorian red fireplace I could send you that goes on at nite and shuts off in morning- I think I got it at Scooby sims-{pay site} she even has a cool corner fireplace that does the same thing-
worth signing up for .. Let me know if you want it :)


posted on 3-11-2003 at 16:40

WOO page temporarily suspended due to bandwith! I guess I'll try later :P I did find one fireplace on another site, except instead of it being a build mode item, its a buy mode item. Think I found it on 8 Deadly sims site a long time ago.


posted on 3-9-2003 at 02:17

I knew I saw one. It's on this site:

Go to the bottom of the third pages of downloads. It doesn't say that it stays on all the time, just that you never have to light it. I'd assume it's the same thing.

Also, SimSnobs has one that comes on at dusk and turns off in the morning.


posted on 3-9-2003 at 01:49

I actually saw one last night. I'll see if I can find it again. I want to say it was on the Simstitution site.


posted on 3-6-2003 at 21:15

Anyone know if this exists or not? I would like to take the Large fireplace (or any fireplace) and make it so it is continuous. Just like the ones you place in Vacation and downtown. They are always lit and always producing light.

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