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Topic Review

posted on 7-10-2002 at 06:04

Judging from what I've seen people make, this should be possible, but it would be difficult and very labor-intensive... all for a multi-tile object that wouldn't be practically interactive (Possible, but it'd most likely look funny to have a Sim "tipping" the stripper when she was on the other side of the pole!=^_^=)

I've heard of treating women like objects, but this is ridiculous. =^_^=



Icon depicting mood of postposted on 6-22-2002 at 01:43

Is this even possible?


Icon depicting mood of postposted on 6-13-2002 at 14:07

I have built a strip club in my downtown area but I have no strippers because I can't buy a cake that works downtown. What I was hoping you could make was a Pole with a Nude stripper that just dances on the pole continuously

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