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Topic Review

posted on 3-28-2003 at 12:30

Well the other aliens where my brainstorm, but the 3 breasted one was jds idea so if you want something spesific you should ask me~ i'd be happy to do it =^__^= I think i will make a few more, but first ~ some sexy buyible space sleepwear for the ladies ;)


posted on 3-28-2003 at 08:36

I love the 3 breasted girl!! I haven't tried her yet but she's too cute.

So, yes! Make more...please, grovel, grovel!! LOL!


posted on 3-21-2003 at 20:04

I vote for more space creatures Morbidia-You do great work with building new meshes :)


posted on 3-21-2003 at 14:15

Vacation on the moon. Stay in a luxury Blue Moon suite, in a roomy space pod, or sleep out in a space bubble. Shoot through a tube maze in zero gravity, go outside and search for moonystones (rumored you get a hug when you pass one to anyone) Eat at the Sojourner Inn and be sure to order the iced moon pie. Maneuver remote control moon buggies through a cratered course. Discover a new element on a moon walk and receive a rare moon sculpture. Shop for space clothes, moongems, spaceships, galactic taffy ... drink star nectar. Take in a holographic movie. Meet live, friendly & unfriendly space creatures. Play space games on a wall-mounted computer flat screen. Snack from free food replicators. Learn the Cosmos Dance. Stargaze with a friend, wish upon a falling star, or ride with a group in a moonspinner (just hope no one gets sick) Could be fun.

I suggested this to the Maxis team for a new expansion pack, but they wouldn't even answer me =( Too bad, cause your skins, Morbidia, would be perfect on an outer space vacation.

Though, did get lots of encouraging words from other fans.


posted on 3-19-2003 at 17:11

I would love to have more space Skins
I loved the alien skins they are so kewl in the game- pretty freaky neighbores lol
Make em if u can !


posted on 3-17-2003 at 21:17

I've never been one for space things, i'm more of a fantasy person. I would love to see some elven skins or other fantasy characters. I have been looking for female/male heads with elven ears for awhile now.


Icon depicting mood of postposted on 3-17-2003 at 20:24

I'm back with 2 new skins and 1 new mesh!

I'm wondering if any of you would like the idea of a whole bunch of spacey/futuristic sim races?

Those space chicks really know how to party! WhooOoo lets go sci-fi!

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