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Topic Review

posted on 3-24-2003 at 00:31

I asked OPenLea about it {no response back yet } I also asked around at ezboards - Mazing how many people request that type of Theme lol
Yes Sweets - I hope ya can manage it
I am sure you can !! Must be a Pain in the Ass lol Kat thanks u for tryin :)


posted on 3-23-2003 at 02:09

Simslice takes requests but not sure if they'd handle a Rated R/X themed item.


posted on 3-22-2003 at 23:50

Sweets is working on something along those lines;)


Icon depicting mood of postposted on 3-22-2003 at 22:54

I was just on a ezboard and I read a suggestion for a up coming project that I was thinking someone could actually do with the slapping sims-Bhav...

They were talkin about sims spankin each other and havin girls in uniforms like in the stricted schools- with a Paddle they could actually use -
Be a kewl Theme don't u think?
I just wish I knew how to Hack an object
I would try so hard to make them beable to spank each other - be so kewl
Sounds odd but thats what people were discusing on another board
where are those Hackers out there???:mad:

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