posted on 6-15-2002 at 19:11 |
I am so happy!! to lose that f-in' blur. I knew about WOS but never found the patch there before. cryin' shame, if you ask me.
posted on 6-13-2002 at 21:42 |
Try Wage of Sim.
Click on "Bodies", then look for a text link near the bottom of the page to download the .zip.
The site's closing at the end of the month, so grab anything else you want while you're there. :(
posted on 6-13-2002 at 20:12 |
I had to purge everything and reinstall the game and for the life of me, I cannot find the adult censor patch! Where did I get it? The blur is drving me nuts!
t'ank you vewy much!