posted on 4-3-2003 at 08:43 |
About Lord Bane...I signed up to his egroup recently and I was irritated by his welcome note. It reads,
"The files posted in this group include the Lovebeds posted on Openleas website. Since everyone who used them had problems getting them to work, I decited to make a corrected copy and make them avalable to anyone who wants them.
Since the Lovebeds are a creation of a person other than myself, I accept no
responsablity for them. This is done without the persmission of the creator, and the only reason I posted them was because no one could get the originals to work, there was no instructions included for proper installation, and the creator of these objects has refused to correct his
own mistake."
Although he said "he" and "his," in a few places, he never mentioned Landomann. He blamed only Openlea. I wrote Lord Bane and told him that I too had problems with the love beds but explained that his welcome letter bothered me and why.
Of course, he never responded. I guess the only way to check would be to sign up with the egroup again and see what comes through in the welcome message.
posted on 4-1-2003 at 08:56 |
you can get memoryboost rpo here:
if you are running win98/se i also reccomend getting a program called cahceman
it optimizes your ram and turbo charges your computer! search for cahceman on tucows.
posted on 4-1-2003 at 00:36 |
Oh hell I could use that most definitely. I run Media player, Photoshop, AIM, MSN, IRC and a window or 2 IE. Not to mention opening and closing Simpose for checking out skins and a whole lot of cut and paste and deleting files. After a few hours programs refuse to load up and windows start freezing, then I know its time for a restart.
posted on 3-31-2003 at 08:55 |
yeh i have memory boost pro and when my system resources get to a certain level a message pops up telling me and asks if i want to close down a few programs. it also stops crashes.
posted on 3-30-2003 at 20:11 |
That anticrash sounds interesting, I might have to go in search of it.
posted on 3-30-2003 at 15:47 |
Anticrash interupts a crash in progress...a little window shows up telling you that TownPatrol is fixing the crash..a second window shows up telling you the crash has been fixed...control of the Sims (or whatever you were working on) returns...You save and continue playing, saving after each change or save and reload the game for a fresh start(your choice.)
posted on 3-29-2003 at 03:08 |
Hmmm interesting, I wonder how it would handle the SIms objects that cause me to crash back to desktop.
posted on 3-29-2003 at 02:44 |
Just signed up for a yr's subscription, Blade...and you're right ;) you're site a cool gathering place.
The anti-crash is a program downloaded to your hard drive that prevents crashes no matter what you are doing at the time. Be it playing Sims, writing a word doc, web browsing; its always on guard. Mind you it does miss some crashes...but has saved me enough times to praise it.
posted on 3-28-2003 at 17:14 |
Is that Anti-crash a in game program that will save it if the game does crash? That would be very helpful when the 3 objects that are known to crash DO crash my game.
posted on 3-28-2003 at 06:25 |
for the record my real name is Christopher, J cook
it says that on your paypal reciept if you join my site :cool:
posted on 3-28-2003 at 06:00 |
The anti crash program stops crashes...most of them, anyway. And gives you a chance to save what you were working on.
posted on 3-28-2003 at 01:10 |
whats the anticrash thing do? I've never heard of it
posted on 3-27-2003 at 23:35 |
****Moving last post to new topic*****
posted on 3-27-2003 at 23:34 |
Yes, lol, Blades name is NOT Ron ;)
I have a solution for all the yahoo groups and other groups with the same format.
If they do offer our downloads for free, then we will find out how many times the item has been downloaded and times it by $4.00, and there is how much they will owe us. Sound Fair?...I think so.
I was chatting with Blade and we both agree that clear cut rules for this community need to be established to eliminate any confusion.
Lets come up with these rules together, please post a rule or two that you believe in. After the messages stack up, we will go through and edit and create a set of rules based on them.
posted on 3-27-2003 at 23:28 |
For the record- I had MAJOR problems with files in my game. I just now started from scatch for the 2nd time.(thank god I love building). Anyway, I wanted to say I've NEVER had a problem with either the pic or the chair
posted on 3-27-2003 at 21:06 |
2125 skins here, down from over 2800
and 335 objects recently cleaned out from just under 500. (Trying to increase my game upload time - as if...)
There are sooo many choices for a reason why an object can fail in someone's setup. Pretty amazing my sims are still running at all. Only way I can get into my game is through EliSims. *shrug* That program seems to stabilize crashes for me. I also run Dashsund's Anticrash, which has stopped quite a few in my game. Save often *!* too.
posted on 3-27-2003 at 17:07 |
I run WinME and have a problem with my onboard graphics card, so I seem to have the problems with a few user made objects. I also have like 1000 user made skins and probably 50+ user objects. So one of those might cause a problem.
posted on 3-27-2003 at 14:19 |
The Lovebed Corrections site created by Lord Bane has been cleaned up any references or downloads to any site's objects except Openlea's.
posted on 3-27-2003 at 13:59 |
I mentioned the recall in an earlier post. The self-proclaimed fixer and recaller: lordbane999, a.k.a. lordbane666. He has a yahoo group. He's put Simulated downloads up for the taking. He gives no email and announced he will not answer any emails.
((I scrambled the letters of Lord Bane around and came up with Ron Blade... and actually asked Blade if it was him. But Blade is a goodguy.))
I've never had a problem with the naturegirl. The chairs work great. I've got Win98 and all expansion packs except UL.
posted on 3-25-2003 at 04:44 |
wait... someone else is recalling someone elses work? Ok you got me confused. I didn't say the nature girl crashes all the time, I said it does every so often and for that fact I remove it from houses before someone comes over, because idiot guests decide to use it and instantly crash the game. Same as the Spanker and vibrators.
posted on 3-25-2003 at 01:42 |
Bozoe created the nature girl, I dont know why u think that who ever was recalling it created it. Besides that, my Sims, just last night were using the nature girl pic and it worked just fine.
The chairs has more than one file inside the zips and need to be installed according to their "read-me" files.
There are different chairs that require different expansions. If the chair disapears from your game, it means you dont have the expansion it needs.
Other than that, I havent had any problems with the chairs.
posted on 3-25-2003 at 01:26 |
The nature girl object has issues that hasn't been fixed, it crashes the game on occasion and the creator recalled it from websites. Its something that should be removed from houses if guests come over and only used if you save before it.
posted on 3-24-2003 at 22:21 |
I have two objects that cause problems
1)the fun chair
are other people having problems with the fun chairs. the brown chair does nothing. the red chair sometimes causes problems. lined up actions dissapear, the body from a sim dissapears while a visotor use the chair. sims show up at home while the wore at work when the chair was lined up as an action.
2) the naturale girl picture used to give me problems, is it fixed?