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Topic Review

posted on 4-3-2003 at 20:10

I was a member of 8th deadly sims but your right about the not enough updates-
I found this site more Stimulating lol
also I am a member of Pandora sims .
has more hacking objects and kewl skins by some known artists on this site- :)


posted on 4-1-2003 at 00:31

Only problem with 8DS, not enough updates. You can get a 1 month subscription and go through the site and DL everything, and in that month maybe get 1-2 new items and maybe 1-2 new skins. Unfortunately I lost my subscription just as the Adult store things where coming out. I was able to download the adult clothes rack, the sign and the Cash register and employees, but missed a few other things.


posted on 3-31-2003 at 11:21

Thank you Monise!! ;)


posted on 3-31-2003 at 05:51

yep, got 8DS stuff in their first year *nodding*


posted on 3-30-2003 at 21:51

:*( I can only get caress to work. The other 2 animations I keep getting no animation. Btw Monise, ever try 8 Deadly sim, they have some SWEET bar items. I have a strip club downtown and a movie theatre downtown that are awesome hang outs.


Icon depicting mood of postposted on 3-30-2003 at 21:20

The Lap Dancing Couch is waaaaaay too KEWL! My club lounges are hopping :D

thank you, Thank You, Thank YOU *!*

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