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Topic Review

posted on 5-8-2003 at 16:28

just saw some screenshots of it
wow it looks f***ing amazing! your gonna need a pretty powerful computer plus a beefed up 3d card to play this baby from the looks of it. :o


posted on 5-8-2003 at 15:48

actually i've know about the sims 2 and what is in it for a very long time. a friend of mine used to be with maxis but isn't now. he hinted to me a few things that will be in it. like more house stories, sims and kids grow up (and die), a brand new 3d engine (seen sims on psx2?) and much more. :cool:


posted on 5-8-2003 at 15:44

hehehe i've been working in 3d since LL. the objects just look much better when made from a 3d program. afterall that's how maxis does makes theirs! :D


posted on 5-8-2003 at 08:25

(So this is why Blade is working on 3D...:)

Aging Sims, multiple house levels, DNA follows generations, more lifelike 3D world, screenshots ...


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