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Topic Review

posted on 5-12-2003 at 23:28

Like Katz said- Sim File Maid. Firstly, check to see if the skins are in the skins file directly, or if they are in a file inside the skins file. That could be the issue. try after installing skins with the Sims File Maid Run the SimEnhancer CMX & SKN Duplication Check, SimEnhancer CMX Validation Check, and of course, Sims File Cop. Then defrag, and restart.:)


posted on 5-12-2003 at 23:19

i will try each of those , thanks! people are so nice on this site ;)


posted on 5-12-2003 at 23:12

Try to get simsfile maid.. they put skins where they are suppose to be-
or reinstall your sims gamge again..
OR number 3 put them in the assets folder - all the advise i can give lol


Icon depicting mood of postposted on 5-12-2003 at 22:57

I am so upset. For some reason, when I download objects, fromanywhere, including here...the items wil show up in my game. but when I download skins or heads , they never show up even when I put them in the skins folder. Im at a loss, and I called sims tech support but he says he cant help me with skins downloaded form other sites. blahh! help me..sombody..please;):(

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