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Topic Review

posted on 5-30-2003 at 16:33

Oh well, I've got some sexy swimsuits anyways :)


posted on 5-30-2003 at 07:02

well as far as i can tell the only way to make sims go nude in ST in the ophoto shoot etc is to change the s100 swimsuit skins to nudes. unless you want to hack each object seperately..


posted on 5-30-2003 at 06:16

Continued from last post...

I wish I knew more about Meshes, I'd LOVE to cut the Furred mesh in half and add the top of the furred mesh to a B300 bottom. So it'd be a pure nude body with the furred bits and scarf.


posted on 5-30-2003 at 06:11

Oh well, I made myself a nude bathing suit skin for my sims so it doesn't bother me. I've been toying around with the High fashion skins and came up with 2 so-so skins for buyable. Took the white furred shirt and simply deleted the top. It looks like the female is topless wearing a white furred scarf and furry arm bands. Then wears a skirt underneath it. Also took the sheer (the one with the red scarf) skin and deleted the top, again they wear a skirt so they can go topless.


posted on 5-30-2003 at 05:55

yes i replaces default skins mainly

if you want to keep your default nude skins just tell it not to install the default nude replacements. if you want to keep your swimsuits than you can't have sims go naked in ST


posted on 5-30-2003 at 03:41

What exactly does the Patch change really? Does it just make it so it defaults to a certain skin? I've already got nude skins for my sims I want to keep, so I don't want it to override that. Nor do I wish it to override say.. my current simsuits/PJs.


posted on 5-29-2003 at 12:02

the super nude patch 5 will make sims go on massage tables, photo shoots and mud baths naked. no additional objects required :D


posted on 5-29-2003 at 06:32

I know Sim Wardrobe has made a message table where the sims are nekid..
He just has to update the site..


posted on 5-28-2003 at 04:18

aye, I just made 3 skins out of the 3 that came with Superstar. 2 furred 1 supersheer. Will be making more tomorrow and submitting.


posted on 5-28-2003 at 02:33

To make the skins buyable in Studio Town put an h instead of b. I have already sent one to JD and she should be putting it up soon.;) H is for High Fashion


posted on 5-26-2003 at 07:17

change the s100 skins in skinsBUY folder in expansionpackshared.


posted on 5-26-2003 at 06:38

Could you possibly let me know how you did that :)

I used to have a Object that caused Sims to dive naked into the pool, but since the last expansion, once they enter the water they revert to their origonal clothing.


posted on 5-26-2003 at 04:46

it'll be part of the super nude patch 5. it also makes sims jump in the pools nude :cool:


posted on 5-25-2003 at 22:43

Post it brother Blade post it!

I have been fooling around in Photoshop, trying to get some nude swimsuits to work. They work, just what I'm trying to do isn't turning out how I want it. Basically trying to take a swimsuit outline, place it over a skin and then lighten the flesh, so it looks like tan lines. So the swimsuit skin is a nude with tan lines.

I am going to do some reading on converting meshes, I want to make a b300 mesh into a mesh that Studio town can purchase. So.. you can purchase nude skins, maybe a few furs draped over the private parts :D


posted on 5-25-2003 at 10:36

yes too good i figured out what skins to change to make sims go nude when modeling, in the mud baths and on the massage tables to go nude! :D


posted on 5-24-2003 at 05:39

well i don't know how you got it to work cos i placed a swimsuit named like the defaults for female into GD/skins but it did not work.


posted on 5-24-2003 at 03:06

I've been able to use a male nude swimsuit on the massage tables. Got it from Red Light Sims. Haven't found a feamle nude swimsuit, though.


posted on 5-24-2003 at 03:01

Say what? So all the custom swimsuits I DLed in the paste don't work anymore?


posted on 5-23-2003 at 14:35

in superstar they have somehow changed that you cannot add custom swimsuit skins to gamedata/skins anymore... it will always use the default making it not possible to change the swimsuit to a nude skin making sims lay nude down on the massage tables...hmmmm

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