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Topic Review

posted on 6-3-2003 at 20:58

Thanks :) I'll submit those as well in a alternate Nudes default package.


posted on 6-3-2003 at 19:34

i sent you 1


posted on 6-1-2003 at 01:17

:P I'm just trying to find the actual MESH. I think it was Sweets or another person who sent me a mesh, cept it was a male Buff erect model. I prefer the b300 male nudes and not the buffed up version.


posted on 5-31-2003 at 17:53

version 5.1 of the snp5 will install erect default nude males :D


posted on 5-31-2003 at 16:26

Lol, yes thats what they where supposed to be for. Theres the erect male mesh, and the limp male mesh. For the life of me I can't find a erect male nude mesh anymore.


posted on 5-30-2003 at 16:59

nice skins neo...but don't the male meshes make the males look a little...limp? LOL :o


posted on 5-30-2003 at 05:22

Nice job Morbidia :)


Icon depicting mood of postposted on 5-30-2003 at 05:02

I made some realistic looking nudes, check them out in skins, all skin tones, all body types. Enjoy =^.^=


posted on 5-30-2003 at 03:35

What, rather be a Brother site Blade ;) besides, I don't know which one owns the ASA. And instead of saying "that other porn sims site" :)

Ok. I'm getting off my lazy tush and Sending the damn nude files to blade to put on his site. Sending them to JDS as well and they can choose between whatever skins they want.


posted on 5-29-2003 at 16:45

sister site? :o

the super nude patch will replace all the default nudes in the game with sex parts.


posted on 5-28-2003 at 04:09

Lol, Pandora sims is Blade's website, JDS' sister site I suppose. I am a skinner on that site. Hows about this, send me a skin you want converted to A nude default skin. I just need a Dark, Medium, and Light skin tone nude skin. Send them to neodarkside2003 @hotmail.com

The space is purposeful so I don't get spambots mail.

sim fan

posted on 5-28-2003 at 01:33

What is Pandor sims nude skin? Do I go somewhere else to get it? Will I still need to remove the skin files or will it do all that for me? I am all about this being easy!


posted on 5-28-2003 at 00:59

2 ways, do it yourself, or use Pandora sims nude skins. basically if you want to do it yourself, open your skins folder, find the files NFFitlgt_01, NFSknlgt_01, and NFFatlgt_01. CUT and paste them into a different folder, you'll be replacing them in a minute. Find yourself a suitable female skin that looks nice, one that you want all your females to look like when nude. What you are going to want to do, is make 3 copies of the skin, rename them exactly as the 3 skins you just removed and place them into the Skins folder. Then whenever your female Light skinned sims strip, they will appear as that skin.

Now, do the same for Dark and Med. The skins will be named somethink like NFFitdrk_01 or NFFitmed_01. If you want a run down of how this goes, ok.

The standard Nude file is in several Parts. Take the light medium nude skin for example. NFfitlgt_01.
N = Nude
F = Female
M = Male
Fit = Fit body style
Fat = Fat body style
Skn = Skinny body style
lgt = Light skin tone
drk = Dark skin tone
med = medium skin tone

So NFFitlgt_01 is a Nude female, fit body, light skin. The _01 just means its number 1.

For males... well, its easier if you do a search on the web, you can find replacement meshes so your males are erect or limp cocked instead of castrated eunuchs.

sim fan

Icon depicting mood of postposted on 5-27-2003 at 22:05

I have the "patch" that takes away the blur but now they look well like Barbie and Ken. I want them to look like real people. How do I fix this?

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