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Topic Review

posted on 6-24-2003 at 18:10

Oh, and I caught the error, Morbidia, you had nothing to do with this, this is totally my fault.
I never mentioned to you that there is an alternate download entrance for people who for one reason or another cannot view flash files. When the file name of the skins section was changed on this menu, it was never changed on the 2nd menu.
But, I fixed it SO no one else should have any other problems (hopefully).

Sorry guys:(


posted on 6-24-2003 at 18:07

I got em, just havent posted them yet, I will during MY next update:)


posted on 6-23-2003 at 23:55

I see you got the males up but not the females. Did I forget to send those or just not added them yet?


posted on 6-23-2003 at 02:38

Danke :)


posted on 6-20-2003 at 21:03

Hi Neo,
I have an update ready to go, including the nudes that you sent. I will put it up shortly.


posted on 6-20-2003 at 05:39

Oh? I think i remember them, but i think you should talk to JD, as you said. I don't think I've seen them recently.


posted on 6-18-2003 at 19:32

They where replacement nudes that I use in my game.


posted on 6-18-2003 at 05:04

I did everything except the buyable and guest area, so.. if they where in one of those two sections you'll have to take it up with JD :)

I don't believe i forgot to add anything.


posted on 6-18-2003 at 04:00

This is more for JD, but if Mordibia can help then cool. I noticed the update but didn't see my replacement nudes on the site again. Should I re-submit?


posted on 6-17-2003 at 18:22

Hmm.. thats strange. I'll look into it.

Remember guys, if there is ever any problems I want to hear about it.


posted on 6-17-2003 at 08:39

Opens fine for me. Thanks for all that organizing, Morbidia, much easier to find things now.

One little fluke I did notice, though. I'm not able to download some skins (Bitchin Boy Babes for one.) Asks for my password 3 consecutive times then shifts me to Access Denied page. :(


posted on 6-15-2003 at 20:09

That is a problem... the direct url is:

Maybe you need to open it directly?


Icon depicting mood of postposted on 6-15-2003 at 14:09

Morbidia, thank you for responding so promptly. I do use aol and that is probably the problem. Although I like aol, sometimes...blah..., the real problem is, I can't get into the skins section now. It tells me it doesn't exist on this url thingy. I would like to get in there before my time runs out and see the new stuff!! Please help...............Thanks, Patty


Icon depicting mood of postposted on 6-14-2003 at 22:42

Hi there, i was the one who redid the skins section. It was fairly time consuming, so I was lacking sleep.

All the new skins are still in there, however they are not in order by date.

I manually redid every page because there where men, woman, and fantasy mixed on most of the pages. They are in no particular order.

I am going to personally go through each and every single page again~ and fix any mistakes I have made.

I'm sorry that no one replied to your email. Don't take it too personally. It probably didn't make it through (Its ok, it happens sometimes.)

If you are using an AOL email account, that could be the reason. They are a terrible service provider. Most of the time emails never get sent, or if they have AOL will not let the 2nd party send an email back. (Trust me I know from personal experience.)

Anyway, sorry for the mix up. You shouldn't have to put up with this.

Check back soon, Kay?


Icon depicting mood of postposted on 6-14-2003 at 17:32

I would just like to start by saying I think this site is fabulous. Practically everything I've downloaded has been great. I am having some difficulties accessing the skins section though, regular and buyable. It tells me the page could not be found. I've been in it before, so I pretty much know what is there, but I sure would like to see any new stuff. Also, where do I put the gardener NPC? I can't seem to get it to work. I've contacted the site, but have had no response.

Thanks ya'll:mad::cool:


posted on 6-8-2003 at 17:19

Well I wanted a change anyway lol but I will add her sister to my collection cuz I have plenty of naughty men skins that need a good paddling lol;)


posted on 6-8-2003 at 03:01

The section looks really good Morbidia, and much easier to navigate..Good Job:D


Icon depicting mood of postposted on 6-7-2003 at 23:54

Sorry kat, you can have your avatar back (hehe) I forgot to put in paddle girl, but shes back with her sexy twin sister;)


posted on 6-6-2003 at 16:20

Hey looks cool and easier to access - great job !


posted on 6-6-2003 at 15:55

All the skins are up and working. If you find any errors at all contact me at:

[email protected]

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