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Topic Review

posted on 6-12-2003 at 20:17



posted on 6-12-2003 at 20:01

[From an earlier post...]

Put the .cmx and the .cfp animation files in ONE of the following places.

theSims\ExpansionPack\ExpansionPackAssets\ Make the "ExpansionPackAssets" folder in "ExpansionPack" folder if you don't have it.

OR into ...TheSims\ExpansionPack3\Animations\

OR into ...TheSims\gamedata\Animation\

OR place loosely among skins in ...TheSims\gamedata\skins

Placement will depend on your PC operating system. If one way doesn't work try another.
(Yeah, its work, but when the beds work its "too much fun" =)

The .iff always goes in the ...maxis\thesims\downloads file OR ...maxis\thesims\downloads\[subfolder you name]

The above directions were for user made lovebeds, but are also for any object accompanied by animation files.


posted on 6-12-2003 at 19:24

I am having animation problems, with stuff I have downloaded. A bunch of things are saying 'animation missing'. and I have put all iff files in the downloads folder. Can someone help me with this?

thanks a bunch

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