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Topic Review

posted on 6-29-2003 at 01:47

LOL I tried, which was what the T-shirt skin was going to be for. I spent 2 nights using Photoshop and took a Light skin and made them into dark and Medium skin tones using Photoshop (they look pretty close to the origonals In my opinion :) ) and I plan on using them in making new skins. I've been wanting more dark skinned sims roaming around my neighborhood so I've been wanting to make some. My only problem... is a lack of good dark/medium heads. I might tweak a few existing ones by using Photoshop. I have over 100 meshes, just very few heads for dark and medium.


posted on 6-27-2003 at 06:20

don't just make light tonned i want medium and dark skinned struippers too. let's not be racist LOL :D


posted on 6-27-2003 at 05:26

Thats ok, I didn't know what you needed and since I wanted Courtney's skins to use Sabrina's mesh I simply named that way. Same with the other skin, I wasn't sure how name them so I just named them DancerV3. The others I am working on I will simply name them Dancer and you can give them the correct file names.

Was a little... IRKed.. last night. Just got done making a rather nice looking skin using the 975 mesh that I enjoy using and well... in Photoshop and viewing the skin it looked perfect. Cept in Simpose and Make a date they appeared waaaay to dark. None of the textures came through and it appeared bad. Was using a dark skin tone, so I made it for a light skin tone and it still appeared dark. I guess the colors of the clothing clashed or meshed to well and it through everything off -_-

Well anyways, I have about 3-4 more skins to send you soon Blade. 2 are twins that wear maid clothing and lingerie :) another as a Raver in leather and working on a dark skin tone one. One question I had, can I use any of my existing Meshes for the dancers? So if I wanted to make one using a Mesh other than the 5 dancers it would still work? I wanted to make a dancer out of my sexy Kitten skin I submitted to Blade recently :)


posted on 6-26-2003 at 15:57

don't name the bitmap skins the same as the other strippers though otherwise they will be replaced. i had to rename your courtney skins neo otherwise they would have replaced sabrinas skins :P


posted on 6-26-2003 at 06:21

it won't matter if a stripper uses the same head or mesh, several of mine share caths head.


posted on 6-26-2003 at 03:54

Love the stripper skin JD, cept a couple of problems. Biggest is that I already have a DancerV3_F05 dancer that uses those skins and meshes. Will that be a problem? or will the IFF file look for the JD skins.

2nd is just skins. I noticed that when your simmie would strip from pants to undies your sim switchs leggings. The other dancers keep the same leggings they had one before from dressed all the way to nude. Its not really a problem, just a note.

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