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Topic Review

posted on 7-8-2003 at 20:45



posted on 7-7-2003 at 19:21

JD will have some male strippers on here soon.


posted on 7-7-2003 at 14:09

Yes definitly Blade - sexy nurse!
But . . . I am a female after all, and there isnt exactly a huge supply of male strippers. . . .
How about a sexy army stud???!!!!


posted on 7-7-2003 at 11:40

how about a sexy nurse, santa and army chick?! :P


posted on 7-7-2003 at 00:54

Btw, since I am the one making the skins (or converting the skins) For Blades Strippers, anything anyone wants to see made?


posted on 7-5-2003 at 18:45

Yes, I have followed his tutorial a few times. I just dont have the talent to make skins.
But the strippers Ive made work well, just need to find a source of lingerie for them to wear *smirk* ; )


posted on 7-4-2003 at 20:55

you need to change the GUIDS too don't forget.


posted on 7-4-2003 at 00:12

Ya - ever since I visited Wilf's site, I have been spending all my time trying to make my own strippers. Im just so bad at creating skins. Hahaha but the tiles they dance on are cute . . .


posted on 7-3-2003 at 17:57

i have plenty of strippers at my site and i'll be making a set to go with em soon. JD will also have more strippers later.


posted on 7-3-2003 at 00:27

Ya the rug from here is awesome - love how the strippers get on and use it with the townies (just gross when crumplebottom gets on there with the strippers EWWWWW)

Good tip on that patch - I will try that thank you =)


posted on 7-2-2003 at 16:54

Er.. make that Simslices patch. Comes with the "gorilla walk" female walk fix. It allows sims to be clicked on Join without ever greeting them. (fun for using the sex rug which requires no relationship to use, simply target a sim walking down the street and the urge kicks in :) )


posted on 7-2-2003 at 16:41

He he he, easiest way really is to DL a patch I found on Wilfs Website, just sit your Sim down and then click on any available sim. Even if you've never greeted them you can click on Join or sit and they will come over. Otherwise the strippers MIGHT come over on their own.

My Strip club has 8DS's items as well, its pretty cool.


posted on 7-1-2003 at 20:28

Oh Ive got strippers and doors lol lots of those.
I also was a subscriber to 8DS for awhile so a lot of my strip club uses those items too.

Only thing I gotta figure out now is how to get people to use the lap dance sofa from this site on their own ; ) That would certainly make my club a bit more realistic. . . .


posted on 7-1-2003 at 19:31

Download some of the strippers or Simstitutions strip door. I'll be taking snapshots of my strip club and nude beach and give info on how to recreate it and where to get the objects. I'll be submitting the lots to JD soon. Just need to get info on where to get stuff.


posted on 6-30-2003 at 14:54

*Does a silly happy dance of joy*
I figured it out, and boy do I feel like a dunce.
Posting about this promted me to take a deeper look into the objects and I really didnt have those 3 objects set how they should be. Thanks for the suggestions, I got em working and my strip club is a hoppin!



posted on 6-30-2003 at 14:31

I can buy it downtown, my sims just cant do anything with it even though ive visitor enabled it. =(
Maybe the item is bugged?


posted on 6-30-2003 at 02:56

Have you tried using the Object Organizer Program?


posted on 6-30-2003 at 01:08

Some objects I downloaded here prompted me to make a downtown strip club. Some objects I have, however, wont work downtown. Example, a hot tub I have. I have enabled it for visitors and adults but still no luck in downtown mode. Is there a program that can make these objects usable?

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