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Topic Review

Icon depicting mood of postposted on 8-29-2003 at 10:24

Haha thanks, at 1st i put a knife, but that didnt work out too well..:P


posted on 8-28-2003 at 23:26

BTW, Love those cherries Morbidia.

I made this perverted clown, morbidia helped, Ill post it later ; ) Hehehe...:cool:


posted on 8-28-2003 at 23:24

Nah, they are all a bunch of lurkers, check out how many people have viewed the post :P


posted on 8-27-2003 at 19:50

LOL those smileys are really cool. KickAss!! Thanks for replying, now I know I'm not alone after all, LOL*bondage*


posted on 8-27-2003 at 15:13

well i pop in now and than usually i only reply when someone asks a question about the spanker. any other time i'm too busy working.


posted on 8-27-2003 at 10:45

Ahaha~~ that kicks ass. The magical power of happy faces.


posted on 8-27-2003 at 02:30

My guess is on vacation, this is the last week before school starts again.

Unless everyone is just:

or too busy:



posted on 8-27-2003 at 02:04

Yeah, where is everyone? I miss you! :(


Icon depicting mood of postposted on 8-26-2003 at 19:10

Hey where is evreybody at? It's getting too quiet for me, please someone say something!!!:o

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