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Topic Review

posted on 8-30-2003 at 19:40

you need to rename your skins just add the original skins name to the END of the pajma file skin.
example: you have a skin named devilgirl
name your pajma skin: PajamaFlgt_devilgirl

do the same for the rest of the files swimsuits, nude etc.


Icon depicting mood of postposted on 8-30-2003 at 14:16

With the old Sims and Living Large expansion I could put the respective cmx/skn and bmp files in folders named 'people1' , 'people2' and 'textures1' in the game data folder and specified skins would show for that specific characters pajama, swimsuit, normal, formal and nude mode.

With the new Sims Deluxe it doesn't work that way.Can somebody help
me , I'm kinda lame at this.

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