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Topic Review

Icon depicting mood of postposted on 8-14-2002 at 15:34

nice stripper, PunkRawk! :)

sooooooooooo mine is Nucha 3




posted on 8-14-2002 at 03:47

Kizzy 21

My first pets name was kizzy and i live on a highway, highway 21 :P


posted on 8-13-2002 at 12:30

thanks! these names are great! keep em coming!


posted on 8-13-2002 at 00:14

:cool: LOL Ok "Ace Harley"
Ace is neighbors black lab and Harley is my doggie
"Dutchess Dottie"
Dutchess, neighbors dog and Dottie is my other dog


posted on 8-12-2002 at 23:22

Butchie EastMain, lmao:D


posted on 8-12-2002 at 21:08

Mine may not be as interesting as some others, but here goes:

Pussycat Howard

Pussycat was the name of my family's first cat (So named because we couldn't settle on a name for him, and he eventually started responding to "Pussycat."

Howard was the name of the street in Glendale where I lived when we owned Pussycat. =^_^=



Icon depicting mood of postposted on 8-12-2002 at 20:43

I need some help thinking of more stripper names for the PlaySims website, and I was wondering if ya'll could help me. Here's how you play the stripper name game:

1. Think of the name of the first pet you owned. (ie...Tweety) That is your stripper first name.

2. Think of the name of the first street you lived on (ie...St. James Place). So, now your stripper name is Tweety St. James!

***if you lived on a number block (live 235th Street) then your last name would be Street, or Lane, or Avenue, etc.)

If you reply, I might use your stripper name as a character in PlaySims. I all ready used my own, as well as some friends of mine, but I'm running out of resources!!! HELP!!! LOL!!!

Thanks guys! While you're at it, go check out the site :


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