posted on 5-31-2002 at 15:09 |
Temp. Problems
OK, as you all may be aware, we were shut down yesterday because of bandwidth. I upgraded my account and the problem is now solved, but, it seems when they upgraded me, We lost forum messages as well as some content from the site. I will work very hard to restore everything, but the forum messages are gone forever. I dont know why this happened, and I am very sorry.
posted on 5-31-2002 at 22:18 |
If you have emailed me within the last 2 days, I lost them also. The hosting company ran a backup of my site from 2 days ago and the mail was included
posted on 6-2-2002 at 19:06 |
Ummmm........Houston we have a problem!!!!!
I tried to log in this morning and my password had changed......???.......Well, I retrieved my password using the forgotten password link, it arrived, I entered it ....... Bad Password.......??? AGAIN...... I clicked on the forgotten password link.......and AGAIN it changed.......After entering that password it finally allowed me to connect so I am typing up this post......Was this all caused by the shut down as well????
posted on 6-2-2002 at 19:29 |
Yes, the forums got reset, my stop smoking section got lost, all those supportive words..GONE
After I had upgraded my account because of bandwidth, my hosting company lost over 50 megs of my content and the forum members and messages. I worked extra hard to build the site back up to what it is, now we will have to fill the forum up as well.
posted on 6-3-2002 at 04:41 |
well... that sucks.. but at least the site is back up...
i'm gone for one weekend and look what i miss...