posted on 10-29-2002 at 19:57 |
A odd request I know can anyone pleaseee???
I know this may sound like a very odd request .. {even I think its odd}
but with the new spanking machine I was wondering if anyone could possibly make a male and female {white or all color} .. nude sim with a red butt??
I would put my sim in that after the sim used the spanker..
Wish there was a way the butt could get red while doing it lol..
well call me what you like ! .. I know its a odd request..
posted on 10-31-2002 at 22:55 |
If it's any consolation, I don't find it all that odd. It would be natural with the spanking machine
posted on 11-2-2002 at 18:06 |
I've submitted some redassed skinz so JD can send them to whoever knows how to make them the default skin. So hopefully u all will see them soon.
ôô *~*~*~SWEETS~*~*~*ôô
¤¤ SIMulated Porn Artist¤¤
posted on 11-2-2002 at 22:40 |
Well I may have to start all over..
I downloaded the new spanker and I am not certain, but It may have given my computer a virus,, but seeing noone has the same trouble ??
I guess maybe I have just run out of conventinal memory ..
Anyone know how to fix that? lol
I wanted to use it soo bad..
I have to wait til I can get a new disk to clear everything and sadly start new
I am so pissed cuz I love all my downloads!! .
Well thanks sweets for trying If my computer gets back I will come back and download em again!! 
Thanks for saying its not an odd request
posted on 11-5-2002 at 02:47 |
have you tried running the sims object id program? you may have duplicate ids that are confusing your computer. or, it could also be part of the memory problem from unleashed.
posted on 11-5-2002 at 18:17 |
No, I haven't , maybe I will go check it out before I get rid of everything.. thanks for the info . 
what memory problem for unleashed?
I miss my sims already and I see cool stuff added to the site..
well i will go check it out .. thanks..
posted on 11-5-2002 at 22:41 |
If you try to use spank 1 and 2 at same time you can't do it. Cos when i edited the spanker 2 i just re exported the spirites from spank 1 and changed the graphics. Since it wasn't re-cloned it kept it's original GUID meaning if you try to use spank 1 and 2 at same time you'll get problems. I reccomend spank 1 be scrapped i've removed it from my site and just have spank 2. Spank 1 was really a test to see if this kind of object could actually be done. and if it was i was going to make the real spanker later which i have done now with spank 2. 
posted on 11-5-2002 at 22:55 |
Check out the Sims website- they really messed alot of stuff up with Unleashed- it may not be you. I didn't understand the way they explained it, but apparently there is some type of memory problem which crashes the game when you try to evict or deolish lots, and won't let you call certain people (my townies in particular) and quite a few other problems came up also. Check their forum, they are working on a patch. Unleashed is a nice expansion, but I think they rushed it. And there are restrictions I do not like. Check it out.
posted on 11-7-2002 at 18:13 |
thanks for the info.. I will go check it out.. but Im getting a new computer anyway so I will have to be sure and be careful with this one and what I download
I did back up my files I love {esp the spanker}
I personally think they need to start a new game instead of expansion packs. since dont they realize it takes up a lot of peoples memory ???
they should start a new version like simsville.. what u think peeps??
posted on 11-9-2002 at 00:11 |
I'd agree. My computer is doggin', even after a major ram boost. And all I keep is Sims stuff really. Some people stopped getting the expansion packs 'cause they take to much room. I think they'ree too involved with the online version now, though.
posted on 11-10-2002 at 00:34 |
Well I wouldn't want to do them online,
as fun as it sounds..
I think they need a whole new theme, like simsville, or something original.
I wish they would have the sims beable to be teenagers, and see them at school would be a kewl theme. or work..
did u get the fuzzychair to work??
make sure you put them in the skins files
the cmx I believe it is.. and in download
Hope it works for you
posted on 11-11-2002 at 03:10 |
Yes, I did get it to work, thank you for asking. I don't really like the online version myself- I played maybe 3x.