posted on 1-18-2003 at 12:35 |
Lord Bane recalls Nature Girl poster?!?
Received an email from Lord Bane after subscribing to his LoveBedCorrections yahoo group to see what his solution was with Openlea's lovebeds.
He states: 'The object called "NatureGirl.iff" (The painting with the girl masterbating) has been linked to game crashes, and is therefor being recalled. If you have a copy of this (it is from the "Sexy objects for sims 1 0f 2 zip file) you may want to delete it from your system."
Odd a recall was never mentioned here. How anyone linked that poster to crashes was not explained, nor does he give his email address to ask him any questions.
Is BLade Lord Bane?
Has anyone here had their game crash after adding Nature girl? I've had no problems with it.
posted on 1-18-2003 at 13:09 |
I have not had any problems at all with it. My sims love it (the women) and are always voluntarily using it!
posted on 1-18-2003 at 15:14 |
quote - is blade lord bane -
well if i am no one has told me! 
posted on 1-20-2003 at 23:49 |
my game does indeed crash on occasion before using the nature girl poster. Whenever someone comes over to my house I instantly delete it because greeted sims make a bee-line straight for it, and the instant I greet them, the guest automatically selects the poster as its highest mood increasing item. And since the game crashed 1 out of 10-20 times it becomes a problem. I also removed it from the town since I was there for hours once making the moves on a girl when some dumb female sim selected it and crashed the game. I normally save before attempting to use the painting since it does crash at times. I think my game has crashed once before off the spanker and even the vibrator toys. But those 2 are like 1 out of 50-100. Its happened like 1 or 2 times in the span of a month.
posted on 1-20-2003 at 23:50 |
btw, what is openlea's Love bed? any different than 8DS's or Blades?
posted on 1-22-2003 at 03:27 |
Openlea's lovebeds are (if you get them to work, though i've never had that problem except for the invisolovebed) extreme in the porn content, long animations that will get you wiggling in your seat while viewing. The foreplay alone is about the length of the usual lovebed start to finish.
posted on 1-22-2003 at 20:52 |
O.O where can I find said Love bed? Is the site they are on a pay site?
posted on 1-23-2003 at 15:08 |
There are 7 beds, free downloads, each bed has different animations. Then 2 other beds available for donations with different animations, too. Might want to read their forum first to get the info on the downloading configurations.
posted on 2-2-2003 at 20:09 |
LOL well I DLed them and they work perfectly for me. I just dropped the CMX and CFP files into the skins and the IFF into Userobjects and they work fine. DLed 4 of them, might need to DL the other 3 as well. Are the HD/Vacation beds the same as the LL ones?
posted on 2-5-2003 at 15:01 |
link don't work i get 404 error
damn i wanted to see how fast i could get them with ADSL :D
posted on 2-6-2003 at 05:24 |
she should give it to us to host we'd give her full credit i'd even buy it off her if need be!
posted on 2-9-2003 at 14:25 |
Try this:
ftp://[email protected]/OMSguest1.htm
/> I can't believe you don't have these-if you can recolor, I'd subscribe to you forever-these are my favorite lovebeds(no offense):D
posted on 2-9-2003 at 14:26 |
ftp://[email protected]/OMSguest1.htm