posted on 2-14-2003 at 23:21 |
Problems problems and more problems
BAH.. I was playing Sims recently and been getting these problems in the game. Mostly from unleashed.
- Sims who buy the magazines to increase conversation values, will not bring the magazine home. It will be forever stuck in their inventory, can not be given away and can't be put down. Nor used.
- Males still do the 180 spin when attempting to do something.
- Bandito causes the no actions available bug to infect members of the family.
Anyone else getting these or know of fixes available?
posted on 2-15-2003 at 07:59 |
to get the magazines home first go to olde town when your sims get home they will than bring the mags inside. works the same with the carnival prizes too and yes it's a BUG
posted on 2-15-2003 at 13:32 |
to get rid of the 180 spin for males go here to get the patch:
posted on 2-15-2003 at 18:02 |
well thats the problem, I BOUGHT the magazines in olde town . I also have the bandito bug too, which the fix on simslice doesn't fix.
posted on 2-15-2003 at 18:07 |
Try downloading the patch again, I have read they were fixing the bugs in the patch as well, I downloaded it again and have no bugs 
posted on 2-16-2003 at 20:32 |
if you bought them in olde town than just do the reverse. go downtown than return home.
posted on 2-17-2003 at 00:27 |
hmm that worked. Yay, theres one bug down!! Now for the 50,000 more -_-. I had just made a new downtown place, a movie lot that works incredibly well. Using the 8 deadly sims movie screans and a few of the other files and maybe a damn good lot.
I had one character whom I have been wanting my sim to meet, FINALLY she met the sim, had a incredible time, ended up liking her alot. Then when I clicked the phone to go home... CRASH. Wish I could find something that would route out files that causes crashes.
posted on 2-19-2003 at 02:43 |
WOO another bug, not sure if this one is UL causing it, or hot date creator.
2 townies from HD Creator, well, can't be called on the phone. My sim picks the phone up, but when I select the townie, the phone vanishes and the sim never speaks on the phone. Its like they hang up. Currently 2 sims have this problem. I ended up redoing the sims characters in HDC, because I want my sim to meet this person and start a relationship.
I also hit a problem where the Pink vibrator crashed Sims back to desktop.
Another problem, the male 180 bug, wasn't fixed when I installed the fix from Simslice, males still do the 180.
I JUST DLed the patch again, lets hope this works.
posted on 2-19-2003 at 21:05 |
maxis has been slacking off lately nearly every game they make has bugs in it. they just had to patch simcity 4 (great game) a few weeks ago cos it will riddled with bugs!
unleashed has the most bugs so far..vacation hardly had any (at least not for me) and hotdate only had about 1 or 2!
they better get their act together, hire some decent beta testers and fire the bums they have now and get to work on superstar BUG FREE!! 
posted on 2-19-2003 at 21:41 |
They better, seriously. Their Customer service is CRAP. I e-mailed them about the various bugs, and the thing he said was, well you can send us the defective disk and we'll send you a new one. I repeated 4 times to him, ITS A FUGGIN BUG!! Its not a defective disk, read yer damn message boards and see how many OTHERS have these same bugs. He only repeated that they offer a replacement disk. His other solution was to reinstall the game... Their first solution for the hot date creator bugs, was "don't use user made objects and skins"... oh that pissed people off..
When superstar comes out, I'll be deleting everything and just keeping my objects and skins and starting from scratch. Its going to be a major pain, but dammit.. I'm sick of the bugs!!! 
posted on 2-20-2003 at 07:28 |
Bugs are a tradition of Maxis games that they will not change. Check the main site, there's a patch for each of The Sims releases, including Unleashed and Deluxe. Every EA Theme Park game (pre Sims) was the same way. Back in the 80's they were using the same routine; send back the buggy game for a buggy new one.
Best fixes & accessory programs for the game & Ex packs I've found in the past 3+yrs came free from and by the fans. You guys are NOT alone in your aggrevation with the gameplay - Don't give up scanning the forums for fan-made patches, they usually surface before Maxis releases one. Bookmark all the sites that have released patches and programs and check their updates, too.
Guess you guys earned the Seal of Sims Addiction *STAMP* After 5 years you get the tattoo free wherever you want it !!*wink-wink*
posted on 2-20-2003 at 07:34 |
Sorry folks, I was wrong. Maxis did not provide a patch for Vacation. The fans produced a few.
posted on 2-21-2003 at 07:50 |
well, I remember Hot date having problems, but LL, HP, and the origonal didn't seem to have many bugs. Its Vacation on thats been buggy for me. I never had problems cept for user made objects before Vacation. (I won't use User made objects from TSR anymore, ugh... most annoying bug was in 1 object and I didn't want to route through 20 objects to find which one it was). I tend to see TSR as a few good skinners and a bunch of ammatures, tho I shouldn't speak, I'm still new to skinning and I think some of my skins suck .
I re-DLed the unleashed patch, but it won't re-install. its telling me its already there and won't install over the patch.
posted on 2-21-2003 at 17:58 |
that's right tsr are a bunch of ameteaurs. half their crap is just re-coloured or those stupid pathetic looking cardboard cut out objects! their quality doesn't even come close to being as good as our stuff 
posted on 2-21-2003 at 18:37 |
Lol true, was also refering to the skins as well. Wonder how many fairy princess skins or movie related or... harry potter skins are in there.
posted on 2-22-2003 at 20:04 |
God Bless the Amateurs :D
God Bless the Amateurs on any site making things for our Sims... I've watched perservering amateurs become prolific at skins, meshes, and objects (even recolors) over time, and thanks be to any site that gives them kudos and offers direction and tutorials to keep them trying !!! Amateurs need encouragement to become professionals, not just that but heaps of patience and earplugs against discouraging comments.
Never underestimate the underlying talents of any amateur. Will Wright was one once *!*
posted on 2-23-2003 at 11:03 |
yes i agree but you shouldn't have to pay to download their crap!
posted on 2-24-2003 at 06:20 |
Always is a Crap Shoot...
There are still great free sites out there to sooth your angst. Following the links on NoPay sites have given me a wealth of free quality items.
Figuring out what made my game crash with a disfunctional item gave me a stylized filing system. Grouping newest downloads into a dated folder seems to work for me. There's always the holding folder on your desktop method, then testing each new download in your game one at a time. Organizating gameplays between downloads is essential to finding culprits... yep, this is sounding like work...all for the game... but a wonderful game when all the pieces work ... Best of Luck !
((annnd have to admit $26.95 is worth anything Raveena makes in a year's time at TSR. She has definitely earned a PRO rating ... that's my opinion. : ))
posted on 3-5-2003 at 00:53 |
She may be good at Skins and things but I think she needs to be a bit more creative when making an object. I think anyone who clones a object should at least take the time and come up with a description of the object or setting the Money value to room/fun/etc values. How many of her objects just say "User made object by Raveena" and then her e-mail address. Then said object is worth $100 and has a room rating for 10. Um... sorry to me thats so cheating. Which is why when I download a object of hers I instantly go into the object creator and change the Price and room values so they are decent.
My opinion is, if you clone the object, make a brand new caption and change the prices and values a bit.
posted on 3-7-2003 at 10:17 |
She may be good at Skins and things but I think she needs to be a bit more creative when making an object. I think anyone who clones a object should at least take the time and come up with a description of the object or setting the Money value to room/fun/etc values. How many of her objects just say "User made object by Raveena" and then her e-mail address. Then said object is worth $100 and has a room rating for 10. Um... sorry to me thats so cheating. Which is why when I download a object of hers I instantly go into the object creator and change the Price and room values so they are decent.
My opinion is, if you clone the object, make a brand new caption and change the prices and values a bit.
Like i said AMATEURS! 
posted on 3-9-2003 at 01:46 |
I bought a magazine in Downtown and wanted to take it to Old Town so I could get it home ... BUT, when I call for the cab, there's no option to go to Old Town.
What am I missing?
posted on 3-9-2003 at 12:42 |
you must 1st return home than you can go to old town
posted on 3-11-2003 at 16:36 |
"Like i said AMATEURS! "
LOL so I suppose raveena is a professional amateur .
Has anyone had a problem with the spanker crashing the game? Its seems I have to save my game before I use it in fear of it crashing. Happened to me the last time I used it and on occasion. It seems for me, the nature girl painting, the dildo's and the spanker will occasionally crash the game. It happens ocassionally that when a quest comes over I sell the items off because quests end up causing me to crash to desktop when they decide to use them. And its instantously, right when I click the object.