posted on 3-14-2003 at 08:35 |
Help!!! Lovebed Issues!!!!!
Hopefully someone can tell me what I am doing wrong. I downloaded Openlea's lovebed, loved the animations. Alright I'm a perv what can I say. Anyways the bed worked for a few days, then all of the sudden no more animations, it was a dead bed. I finally was able to get the sleep animation up but that is it. I have put the animations in game data animations taken them from there to game data skins, even created a file people1 and put them in there, and have transferred all the files to expansion pack 3 animations. Still I get nothing but the sleep animation. I have even uninstalled my game and re installed it, still no luck. Anyone have any ideas as to what I am doing wrong?

posted on 3-14-2003 at 08:38 |
If you have the United States Version and have tried all the above but the bed still does not work than try putting the .cmx and the .cfp in theSims/ExpansionPack/ExpansionPackAssets
posted on 3-14-2003 at 18:45 |
Thanks Blade that done the trick. I do have another question? Does anyone know another programI can use instead of "The Sims Character Make Over" I can not get it to load with out it giving me an error message and shutting down the program. I want to add the animations to my other beds, but can not get the program to run. I have "Animation Alchamist" and it states to use "The Sims Character Make Over"
posted on 3-15-2003 at 02:06 |
If you find one let me know. I'm looking for a program that I can change the following: Sims heads that are already in the game, start out families who like each other (just love having a couple who won't sleep in the same bed the first night), and possible even one to set careers and the level of the career, also one to change likes and dislikes.
I can't get makeover to work, it simply crashes the instant I Chose something.
posted on 3-15-2003 at 18:44 |
The Same
However, the best program that I have found that I think you are looking for would be Sim Enhancer. There you can change the levels, change the clothes, change faces, body.................. The URL for the site is. There is a 48 hour version that yu can use for free. I like the program but it still has a few bugs in it. The program I am looking for is to work with Animation Alchamist. I want to transfer the animations from te Adult Beds to Other Beds.
posted on 3-16-2003 at 19:47 |
Just Downloaded Simenhancer and its pretty cool, tho I need to find a Unleashed version. Also noticed there is a Crack out that removes the 2 day trial period.
posted on 3-17-2003 at 07:12 |
tsk tsk tsk using cracks
well i do :D LOL
posted on 3-17-2003 at 19:09 |
He he, what you expect me to pay for something I can get for free 
posted on 3-17-2003 at 21:13 |
I was looking through Openleas site and came across a link for a yahoo group, it has a interesting bed called the Ultralust bed that has a bunch of different things to do, mostly sleeping with people without having a relationship with them or even liking them, playing with oneself etc etc. It looks like the latest version was just uploaded since the date is 3/14/03 my problem is I keep getting half way and it stops the download and my file is corrupt. Anyone else able to DL the entire file?
The address to the yahoo group is
posted on 3-18-2003 at 04:16 |
i downloaded it no problem i have adsl though
very fast
posted on 3-18-2003 at 04:43 |
Figures... oh well, I DLed a new bed from Openleas site, has all the animations of all Landomanns beds cept the bridal one.
posted on 3-18-2003 at 07:11 |
i have the bridal anims
posted on 3-18-2003 at 17:59 |
Bleh I still want the Bridal bed itself.
posted on 3-19-2003 at 01:36 |
Question about Love Bed
Has anyone else had any problem with the animations. When it comes to unforgetable, I get missing animation? I have downloaded it several times, but still get the same error.
posted on 3-19-2003 at 04:17 |
I believe those are the Bridal bed animations. I don't have them so I'm pretty sure thats the Bridal ani's. I found it kinda funny if you select like, 69 and the female selects Doggy, you can get some pretty ackward looks for that . I DLed the Landomann tribute bed, it works just the same.