posted on 4-8-2003 at 06:52 |
Sexy threesome
Great new skins, gals *!*
Sweets: Shouldn't Stinger have a pointy butt plug?? LOL Great masquerade outfit for mardi gras 
...caught some other sexy skins at (no www)
posted on 4-8-2003 at 17:46 |
LOL Thanks Monise! Didn't you see her stinger hehhehee, Take Care!:D
ōō *~*~*~SWEETS~*~*~*ōō
¤¤ SIMulated Porn Artist¤¤
posted on 4-11-2003 at 22:48 |
*smearing self with chocolate pudding from head to toe*
Forgive me, Sweets :D
Didn't see her "stinger" till I got her into the game. (((whooooooot hootie !!!))) It's awesome *!*
Brings up an issue of dark backgrounds, cause I totally missed that quality of Stinger because it blended into blackground behind her :/ soooooo...*whips placard up high*
!! BAN DARK BACKGROUNDS !! (cause it swallows up detail ) There, I said it and i'm not sorry !
(((anybody wanna wrestle?)))
posted on 4-12-2003 at 05:47 |
[QUOTE]Great new skins, gals *!*[/QUOTE]
Thanx Monise ; )
Although I don't know how the chocolate pudding ties into the conversation you are having with sweets there
posted on 4-12-2003 at 14:31 |
LOL I am sorry, will you please forgive me? *Spreading a can of whip cream with a strawberry* I'll make sure to use lighter BGs when there is something special about there butts, hehehehee
ōō *~*~*~SWEETS~*~*~*ōō
¤¤ SIMulated Porn Artist¤¤
posted on 4-13-2003 at 05:32 |
A Pudding Pit !
Oh hi, JD *SMILE*
We were just brainstorming ...:D... switch a bed for a vanilla pudding (white cum) pit with animations that fit a slippery encounter?
Could be fun to watch... just a suggestion, ((ahh...but please don't mention this to Blade till summer 04 , he's already swimming in the creative juices ))
posted on 4-20-2003 at 20:02 |
Oooh!! Ooooh!! Can I wrestle the winner???
posted on 4-21-2003 at 03:04 |
Only if i can film and direct :D
Anyone else see the new sexy threesome tribute beds (at Openlea's)...onyx-blue, dusty mauve, & creamy white (won't show stains)
Gee, JD, sure would like to see a blue velvet lovebed---when you have time *ducking*
posted on 4-21-2003 at 05:16 |
what 3-sum beds? where??
posted on 4-21-2003 at 15:23 |
If my tired mind is reading this correctly (just woke up), it appears that there are 3 new love beds, a Valentine vamp, Dollie lovin bed, and Openleas tribute bed with new animations.
posted on 4-21-2003 at 20:42 |
That's the ones... three beds, alike but different colors with a pie menu of new animations except for the valentine vamp bed animations.
posted on 4-22-2003 at 05:55 |
where do you download them i don't see them anywhere?
posted on 4-22-2003 at 22:14 |
Bottom of the Adults Only page... donation items
posted on 4-24-2003 at 06:51 |
i must have the wrong url or something? whats the exact url?
posted on 4-24-2003 at 19:41 |
or /
posted on 4-25-2003 at 10:01 |
i must be blind i still can't find em! 
posted on 4-26-2003 at 00:19 |
NOT good news, Blade 
Does the home page show at all?
Running down left of page is column with section titles?
One of the titles is Adults Only
near to bottom of AO page is a small, centered heading of Adult Donation Items, beneath that is a table'd list of the beds, some are previewable.
Beneath the list is a small banner box to place an order by donation.
*crossing all that bends*
posted on 4-26-2003 at 06:43 |
i see the beds but not the ones your referring to the cream bed etc. i only see the bridal and vamp bed.
posted on 4-26-2003 at 17:12 |
The beds are under the heading 'Spring Collection'
They are beautiful 
posted on 4-26-2003 at 18:11 |
oh there they are. had to refresh to see them...hmmm usually my browser refreshes automatically?