posted on 6-1-2003 at 17:19 |
You do have to pay for the beds...
It does suck, you have to pay for Openleas beds. I got the Landomann bed. But have no idea how to put the files where they go. I created the files she told me to, but how do you get the original to split into the extras is my problem. It really sucks having all that Sim sex available and not being able to use it!!!!
posted on 6-1-2003 at 19:20 |
usually you put the cmx and cfp animation files into gamedata/skins and drop the IFF into downloads and it should work 90% of users do this to get them to work.
posted on 6-2-2003 at 01:36 |
I'm using Winzip, is that my problem??
I've always used Winzip. So, if I delete it will it be easy to download files and be able to put them where I need them? Also, will I still have my files that have used Winzip? Thanks!!
posted on 6-2-2003 at 16:34 |
Yes, all your files inside the zip file will stay there. Winzip just copies them and places them wherever you want them to go. You can delete the zip files afterwards.
Alpha Glamourina
posted on 6-5-2003 at 00:37 |
deleting files
"...You can delete the zip files afterwards. "
Or maybe even store the zips on another hard drive, "just in case"? Hehehe...call me paranoid, but i've had to un/reinstall my game twice now. And with Superstar being so quirky, well, at least back up copies of your game on a regular basis. Otherwise, you'll end up like me, spending more time fixing stuff and hunting for lost files on the internet. I don't wish that on anybody!
posted on 6-5-2003 at 03:29 |
Which is why I have 3 backup copies of my skins folder and copied all my zip files to CDs 