posted on 6-23-2002 at 21:58 |
Dickheads among us !!
Think of it: If you could make a head look like a dickhead... we could have dickheads running around everywhere in our neighborhoods. Of course, we already have them, but they would be more recognizable. Then you might consider working on a pusshead, eh? (Think you could talk Fionne into a new mesh, JD? *giggle giggle*)
posted on 6-24-2002 at 15:13 |
lol, I love that! neSIMnha makes meshes, I will speak with her about it.
posted on 7-4-2002 at 02:17 |
Allow me to introduce you to Mr. DickHead.
By, neSIMnha
You can find him in our Skins section!
posted on 7-5-2002 at 03:44 |

neSIMnha you've made the best Dickhead I ever did see !!!
Thank you soOOoo much for piecing the big boy together @)---`---,---
posted on 7-5-2002 at 03:46 |
Dickhead Cautions
After having dealt with many Dickheads, I feel qualified to issue a few precautions in dealing with them:
1. A Dickhead's favorite greeting is a handshake.
2. Always wash before and after shaking with a never know what they've been into.
3. Meeting or conversing with a Dickhead is easy, as they will eagerly insert themselves into any opening you provide.
4. Never introduce a Dickhead to your mother, unless your father is a Dickhead, and she knows how to handle one.
5. Always carry a spare if you drive a Dickhead, you will definitely get a blowout, usually within the first two minutes.
6. Never mistake a Jockhead for a Dickhead. The Jockhead is bigger and will leave you scratching.
7. A wet Dickhead will leave stains. (ask Monica)
8. Kissing a Dickhead can lead to a messy outcome.
9. One Dickhead in a bush is worth two Dickheads on hand.
10. Always dismount quickly when getting off a Dickhead, for they will run immediately.
11. Most Dickheads will rise when a pretty lady enters the room.
12. Teasing a Dickhead will make them soar.
13. Hugging a Dickhead involves oral installments.
14. Letting a Dickhead in your backdoor can cause hemorrhiods.
15. Dickheads on Viagra are hard to swallow.
Anyone with experience in handling a Dickhead, please feel free to express their shortcomings. ---Monise
posted on 7-5-2002 at 14:46 |
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¤¤ SIMulated Porn Artist¤¤