posted on 7-14-2003 at 21:23 |
oh god when will it stop?!
your sims get to be harry potter! 
posted on 7-15-2003 at 04:55 |
I hope it never stops, when it stops then we stop!
posted on 7-15-2003 at 04:58 |
I have to add one thing to my last post though:
I think they come out with expansions too quickly! I fear they will exaust the public, they need to spread out their new work to keep it going longer. Just my opinion.
posted on 7-15-2003 at 09:43 |
well it looks like this is the LAST exp pack for sims 1. says so here: 
posted on 7-15-2003 at 16:31 |
Looks like fun!
But . . . last expansion??
I wonder how the Sims2 is going to deal with user made objects. . . . Im sure 80% of the reason The Sims was as successful as it is was because of the ability to create your own items. Its 80% of the reason I play anyways . . .
posted on 7-16-2003 at 02:32 |
as far as i've been told maxis has no plan on making an object creator for sims 2.
posted on 7-16-2003 at 12:37 |
Nooooooooo! Thats a lie!
posted on 7-17-2003 at 11:42 |
no it's true this is the final expansion pack for sims 1.
posted on 7-17-2003 at 18:59 |
Makin' Magic doesn't appeal to me for any other reason than the fact that object makers and skinners will be making new things for me to download when it comes out. VellyBelly hit the nail on the head when she suggested that most ppl continue to play the game because of the downloads, and not just for the game alone.
I noticed JD said that when the expansion packs stop, "we stop". I hope this isn't true! Even if Sims 2 doesn't give the skinner and object maker the option to move their work to that level, I plan to continue playing the original version of the game. I'm not interested in my Sims getting old- I can experience that in RL! I play the game because I have a life already, the Sims "life" is a diversion from reality, and Sims 2 just sounds too mundane to me.
Will I buy it? Of course! I'm a Sims junkie! But will I keep it after I play it for a week or two? Maybe, maybe not. Sims for PS2 was a big limiting snore, so I sold it back to Game Stop only after a week of bothering with it.
Anyhow, back to what JD said. I know nothing about making objects or skinning, so I have no clue as to how dependent the independent artist is on what Maxis offers them insofar as tools go. Will you actually stop making things for the original game if Maxis doesn't afford you the opportunity to make things for the next generation game?
posted on 7-17-2003 at 21:46 |
No, what I meant was, when they finally call it quits and the "fad", if thats was it is, is over, and all the people who play the game stop playing (if that ever happens) then we will be out of a job.
Im not saying it will happen, but its happened with alot of things in the past. I do not wish to stop, nor do I plan on it.
We will be here until everyone gets sick of the game, is what I should have said.

posted on 7-18-2003 at 04:25 |
i will retire when peeps stop signing up to my site IF that ever happens. but i hope that will be a long way away yet.
posted on 7-18-2003 at 12:25 |
If Maxis does not allow the opportunity for people to create their own objects for the game, they are going to be hurting themselves a LOT.
Opening that opportunity for The Sims was a very unique idea that sold their game. Literally.
Given the choices, The Sims 2, if does not allow that same opportunity, I will stick to playing the origanal. I am sure there will be plenty others who agree.
posted on 7-18-2003 at 14:24 |
heheh actually maxis never intended for peeps to make their own objects only re-colours. but tmog proved to be more powerful than it was meant to be and peeps found a way to change the shapes. so a 2nd tmog 1.4 was bought out with full support for object editing. (( )