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posted on 3-9-2004 at 05:25 |
File Installation Instructions
Welcome to our crash course in installing our downloads into your game. These instructions were written for those who have followed the default installation of the game.
To Install Skins:
Unzip the contents of the zip file into:
C:/Program Files/Maxis/The Sims/Game Data/Skins
To Install Buyable Skins:
C:/Program Files/Maxis/The Sims/Expansion Shared/Skins Buy
To Install The Sims Online Skins:
C:/Program Files/Maxis/The Sims Online/TSO Client/Avatar Data/Bodies/Textures
To Install Basic Objects:
C:/Program Files/Maxis/The Sims/Downloads
To Install Love Beds & Objects with New Animations:
To use the special love beds, your sim has to be in love with the other sim for them to initiate sex. 2nd you need living large for the beds to actually work. 3rd follow these instructions carefully to get them to work:
1. Create a NEW folder into sims/downloads folder and place ALL the files into it.
**Start the game if the bed works than your done if not than proceed to step 2.
2. Move the XSKILL.cfp and CMX files to your gamedata/skins folder.
**Start the game if the bed works than your done if not than proceed to step 3.
3. Move the XSKILL.cfp and CMX files to your gamedata/animations folder.
**Start the game if the bed works than your done if not than proceed to step 4.
4. Move the XSKILL.cfp files to your gamedata/animations folder and put the CMX files into gamedata/skins. Start the game if the bed works than your done.
** Start the game if the bed works than your done if not than proceed to step 5.
5. Move the XSKILL.cfp and CMX files to your ExpansionPack3\Animations folder Start the game if the bed works than your done.
** Start the game if the bed works than your done if not than proceed to step 6.
6. If you have the United States Version and have tried all the above but the bed still does not work than try putting the .cmx and the .cfp in theSims\ExpansionPack\ExpansionPackAssets\ Make the "ExpansionPackAssets" folder in "ExpansionPack" folder if you don't have it.