posted on 7-10-2002 at 14:32 |
Happy Birthday To Me
Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday dear meeee-eeee, Happy Birthday to me!
Sorry, had to do it....
Im taking the day off, obviously....
Im off to the beach!
Iv'e added a "Birthday Suit" skin to the skins section, enjoy
posted on 7-10-2002 at 15:51 |
中鐀中Happy Birthday JD!!!中鐀中
Have a Great B-DAY
鐀 *~*~*~SWEETS~*~*~*鐀
中 SIMulated Porn Artist中
posted on 7-11-2002 at 09:53 |
Happy Hentai Birthday, JD! If you like, I can submit an item that I've created (Olivia easel) as a birthday present. =^_^=
I've created two Olivia easels and about a half-dozen Olivia Paintings (reflecting the items that your Sims can paint on the easels), and I plan to get around to producing more. Perhaps we can make a deal on having JDS as the official host for them. =^_^=
posted on 7-11-2002 at 16:41 |
Thank you all! I had a great day!
Sure Nekojin, send me in a picture of your work to [email protected]