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Home of the Original Spanker!
New Animations! The Wheel of Pain and Pleasure With sound effects & new animationsThe Spanker 2.0 Fun Chair with new animations Fun Shower Realistic Sound Effects! Every Bachelor has one but won't admit it... Naked Lunch Velvet Chair curtains Bar Column Paintings Porn Rack! Ride Em' CowBoy Love Bed! Doll Vase Will dance as long as there is a Sim in the room! Bar Gal Column Bow to Centaura Ghost Slave Ghost Gal Paint Sexy Ladies! Adult Fountain Have a Naked Picnic from the comfort of your sims yard! Erotic Sculpture SIMulated Girly Logo Rug Walls! Walls and Floors
SIMulated Adult Fun!
Browse through our adult sim stories.
SIMulated Pornography... Sims like you've never seen them before! SIMulated Pornography...

All this and more fun Sim stuff inside!

JD's SIMulated 2003©